Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/3/24  3:07 pm
Commenter: Thomas P. Charlock (Hampton Roads Bird Club newsletter editor)

I support the petition.

I have attended two meetings of VMRC in the last year and have listened to arguments for and against the restriction of menhaden reduction fishing. The research from William and Mary that indicates the poor survival of osprey chicks because of in-the-bay industrial fishing influences my decision to support the petition. We should especially restrict menhaden fishing during the osprey breeding season. Sport fishing supports a good number of jobs in Virginia; cutting reduction fishing in the Bay is also in the interest of that community. Reduction fishing from Reedville is important for our economy; I have listened to those watermen individually at one meeting. Reduction fishing should ideally be confined to the ocean.

Thank you for your service on VMRC.

CommentID: 222017