Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
Public Comment Forum

Public Petition for Rulemaking: Petition for rulemaking to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission regarding Atlantic menhaden, the Chesapeake Bay, and the reduction fishery

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CLOSED     Opened on 1/15/2024 and Ended on 2/5/2024

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Comment Title Commenter
I support the petition. Derek Thompson  2/5/24  11:15 pm
save the bay LKB  2/5/24  10:59 pm
I support this petition Fadil Hadzic  2/5/24  10:32 pm
I support this petition Jana Hadzic  2/5/24  10:29 pm
Petition Suleka Deevi, Richmond Audubon President  2/5/24  10:23 pm
support rulemaking to limit purse seine nets Joseph Stem  2/5/24  10:10 pm
Petition Tracy Stevens  2/5/24  10:07 pm
I support this petition Tom Endrusick  2/5/24  9:59 pm
I support this petition Bob Schepker  2/5/24  9:38 pm
I support this petition as written Denise Payne  2/5/24  9:23 pm
I fully support this petition Ben Saunders  2/5/24  9:22 pm
I support this petition Marjorie Bello  2/5/24  9:13 pm
Petition Marsha Summerson  2/5/24  9:10 pm
I support the petition Nicola Williamson  2/5/24  9:09 pm
Let's do our menhaden right!! Roger B. Pittard Sierra Club, Grace Baptist Church, Quioccasin Baptist Chu  2/5/24  9:08 pm
Industrial Reduction Fishing Dr. Clifford Henderson  2/5/24  8:41 pm
Get industrial reduction fishing out of Chesapeake Bay M Katsibas  2/5/24  8:22 pm
save the bay Chris Bruckner  2/5/24  8:03 pm
I support reductions in Menhaden harvest in the Chesapeake and tributaries Captain Penn Burke  2/5/24  8:03 pm
Menhaden petition Don Brown  2/5/24  7:55 pm
Industrial Scale Fishing of Menhaden william mckeever  2/5/24  7:53 pm
Petition Ruth Seagle  2/5/24  7:49 pm
I support this petition for rule making Walt Auburn  2/5/24  7:49 pm
Petition James Seagle  2/5/24  7:47 pm
I support this petition Ruth Woollett  2/5/24  7:45 pm
Rulemaking Roger Smith  2/5/24  7:26 pm
I strongly support this petition Alan Meadows  2/5/24  7:25 pm
I support.this Anonymous in Richmond, VA  2/5/24  6:54 pm
I support this petition David  2/5/24  6:40 pm
I support this petition Anonymous (222171)  2/5/24  6:38 pm
Support, let's get something done. Wes Wood  2/5/24  6:24 pm
Agree with petition Steve aTkinson  2/5/24  5:53 pm
Opposed Reid Williams,  2/5/24  5:35 pm
VRMC and limits on fishing of menhaden Paul Kaplowitz, Sierra Club  2/5/24  5:09 pm
I Fully Support This Petition! George Scocca  2/5/24  4:59 pm
I support this petition E. Philpy  2/5/24  4:22 pm
Menhaden rule making Robert Ake  2/5/24  4:10 pm
Please help preserve osprey populations Ann Moore  2/5/24  3:50 pm
Oppose Heather Klein  2/5/24  3:16 pm
Vehemently oppose this petition Robert Hudnall  2/5/24  3:13 pm
menhaden petition Pam Hill  2/5/24  3:10 pm
Oppose Anonymous (222158)  2/5/24  3:05 pm
I do not support Devon Raines  2/5/24  3:04 pm
I am against petition C Noel  2/5/24  3:04 pm
Oppose Alvin Ridley  2/5/24  3:02 pm
I do not support Christopher powell  2/5/24  3:02 pm
Oppose Mary Jones  2/5/24  3:00 pm
Oppose petition Anonymous (222152)  2/5/24  2:59 pm
I support this petition. Kitty Cox  2/5/24  2:55 pm
I support this petition. Troy Johnson  2/5/24  2:16 pm
Minhaden Fishing Howard Kympton  2/5/24  2:05 pm
I support this petition. John Groutt  2/5/24  1:42 pm
Menhaden Ed Ashley  2/5/24  1:38 pm
I support this T lester  2/5/24  1:29 pm
Fund the VIMS Menhaden study Pam Narney  2/5/24  1:22 pm
I support this petition Rick Medice  2/5/24  1:08 pm
In support of the petition Anonymous (222143)  2/5/24  1:01 pm
I support this petition Garrie Rouse  2/5/24  12:58 pm
Support this petition Bob Mandigo  2/5/24  12:36 pm
Menhaden petition Paul Littell  2/5/24  12:26 pm
Support of this petition Susan Lozinyak  2/5/24  12:20 pm
Ban the reduction fishery in VA! Captain Buddy Noland  2/5/24  12:18 pm
Support David Clancy  2/5/24  12:07 pm
Lower the limits on Manhaden Howard Yarus  2/5/24  12:06 pm
I support this! Nancy Patterson  2/5/24  11:59 am
I support this petition! Shavon l Peacock  2/5/24  11:57 am
I support this petition. Beverly Peterson  2/5/24  11:54 am
Menhaden petition Lea Gryk  2/5/24  11:48 am
I support this petition Steven Heinitz  2/5/24  11:32 am
I SUPPORT THIS PETITION Lee Williams  2/5/24  11:21 am
Stop overfishing & support conservation/science over profiteering commercialization. Restore the Bay J Holt  2/5/24  11:17 am
I support the petition Betty Hudson  2/5/24  11:08 am
Save the Ospreys! Donna Shaun sey  2/5/24  11:02 am
petition for Ch. Bay protection Keith Johston  2/5/24  10:59 am
Ban reduction fishing! Daniel Perri  2/5/24  10:47 am
I support this petition. It is long overdue. Paulette P Berberich  2/5/24  10:40 am
STOP Overfishing Menhaden! J. Bell  2/5/24  10:19 am
I Disagree With The Petition Trevor Deihl  2/5/24  10:19 am
Support Betsy Mountcastle  2/5/24  10:08 am
I do NOT support this petiton! Jameson Crandall  2/5/24  10:06 am
I support the petition. Jacob Wegelin  2/5/24  10:04 am
I support this petition Ruth Ann Smith  2/5/24  10:03 am
I support science based legislation. Eddy Johnston  2/5/24  9:55 am
I support science Leslie Sturges  2/5/24  9:48 am
i DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PETITION sandra perkins  2/5/24  9:38 am
I support the petition Cheri Conca  2/5/24  9:33 am
Bay Mark Battista  2/5/24  9:29 am
I support this petition Elizabeth Wilkins  2/5/24  9:24 am
Oppose Cole Basye  2/5/24  9:21 am
I SUPPORT THE PETITION Karen Tootelian Westermann  2/5/24  9:21 am
Petition for Rulemaking John Pearsall  2/5/24  9:19 am
100% Support this Petition Christopher Deane  2/5/24  9:14 am
I support menhaden recovery Anonymous (222106)  2/5/24  9:02 am
supporting petetion to strengthen conservation of menhaden stocks in Chesapeake Bay Fred C. Pomeroy  2/5/24  9:00 am
I support the petition Laura Selley  2/5/24  8:39 am
Support for the petition Jill Auburn  2/5/24  8:33 am
I support this petition Paul Anderson  2/5/24  8:32 am
OPPOSE A. Marks  2/5/24  8:22 am
I do NOT support this petition Jesse Sanders  2/5/24  8:17 am
Protect the Chesapeake ecosystem Diane Bowden  2/5/24  8:15 am
Save our Menhaden Ned Trice  2/5/24  8:11 am
Support Petition Eileen Barthelmy  2/5/24  8:06 am
Menhaden Fishing Restrictions Fran Freimarck  2/5/24  7:37 am
Menhaden Exploitation Larry Hart  2/5/24  7:06 am
Menhaden Regulations Anonymous (222094)  2/5/24  6:37 am
Menhaden Fishing Restrictions Leslie Fellows  2/5/24  6:26 am
Menhaden Fishing Restrictions Leslie Fellows  2/5/24  6:23 am
Bay Fishing Kenneth Dale  2/4/24  11:42 pm
Support Menhaden Fishing Restrictions Anonymous (222090)  2/4/24  11:37 pm
I support this petition Daniel Carter  2/4/24  11:21 pm
I support the petition Lud Kimbrough, Deltaville Community Association  2/4/24  10:22 pm
Support the petition Elizabeth Christeller  2/4/24  10:17 pm
I support this petition. Karen Kelly  2/4/24  10:10 pm
Support the petition Virginia Mathewson  2/4/24  9:40 pm
I strongly support the petition! Jenna Downing  2/4/24  9:37 pm
I support the strongly petition Ingo Heidbrink  2/4/24  9:33 pm
I support the petition! Tylene Downing  2/4/24  9:30 pm
I support petition to reduce/ eliminate overfishing of menhaden Christina Ohlrogge  2/4/24  9:29 pm
I strongly support this petition. Jolene Windle  2/4/24  9:27 pm
I support the petition! Daryl Downing  2/4/24  9:26 pm
I support this petition. Mark A Subler  2/4/24  9:25 pm
Protect the Osprey RD  2/4/24  9:13 pm
I support more protections and fishing limits on menhaden Patricia VonOhlen  2/4/24  8:26 pm
I support the petition! Sarah Gurnick  2/4/24  7:41 pm
I support this petition. Anonymous (222074)  2/4/24  7:33 pm
Menhaden Anonymous (222073)  2/4/24  7:24 pm
I Do Not Support Anonymous (222072)  2/4/24  6:51 pm
support the petition, change needs to come to restore the menhaden in the bay henry lilly  2/4/24  5:48 pm
Oppose Joshua Taylor  2/4/24  4:55 pm
Ocean harvest Anonymous (222069)  2/4/24  4:50 pm
Oppose Casey Murrell  2/4/24  4:50 pm
I support this petition and efforts to restore ecological balance to the Chesapeake Mark Kacmarcik  2/4/24  4:49 pm
I support this petition. Bernie Stanley  2/4/24  4:44 pm
Oppose Anonymous (222065)  2/4/24  4:43 pm
Oppose Joel Deihl  2/4/24  4:40 pm
VMRC must conduct directed scientific study of menhaden necessary to properly manage the fishery M. E. Hodges  2/4/24  4:29 pm
Menhaden fisheries Barbara Shaklan  2/4/24  4:14 pm
Oppose Dillan Loving  2/4/24  3:30 pm
Oppose Mary Gaster  2/4/24  3:29 pm
Oppose Ron Loving  2/4/24  3:28 pm
Oppose William Loving  2/4/24  3:27 pm
Oppose Frances Loving  2/4/24  3:26 pm
I support the petition Kat Sharp  2/4/24  2:46 pm
End Factory fishing in Virginia to protect Chesapeake Bay, striped bass, spawning stock, and Osprey Calvin Peacock  2/4/24  2:40 pm
Support the petitio Pat Russell  2/4/24  2:35 pm
And the factory fishing in Virginia to protect BAy wildlife Calvin Peacock  2/4/24  2:34 pm
End factory fishing in Virginia And a bake a 3 mile buffer on the Virginia coast Dave White.  2/4/24  2:21 pm
I support this petition - save the Bay! Ralph Grove  2/4/24  2:14 pm
agree Michael Cummings  2/4/24  1:28 pm
agree McKenna Cummings  2/4/24  1:27 pm
The International Osprey Foundation STRONGLY supports the Menhaden petition, and here's why... THE INTERNATIONAL OSPREY FOUNDATION  2/4/24  12:31 pm
I strongly support the petition. Robyn Puffenbarger  2/4/24  12:13 pm
I strongly support the petition. Hans Gabler  2/4/24  12:03 pm
Support the petition. Tom Hylden  2/4/24  11:35 am
I do NOT support this petition. Tamara Chamblee Hall  2/4/24  11:26 am
Atlantic menhaden Anonymous (222043)  2/4/24  11:05 am
I strongly support the petition Sally brown  2/4/24  10:42 am
I strongly support this petition Diana Johnson  2/4/24  9:59 am
menhaden fish recovery to help ospreys Bill Johnson  2/4/24  9:57 am
I support this petition Lyn Douglas  2/4/24  9:49 am
Native Biomass - support this petition Wm Benish  2/4/24  9:44 am
I am in strong support if this petition Jacques van Montfrans  2/4/24  9:09 am
I support this Petition Chris Mcintee  2/4/24  9:05 am
Menhaden fishing petition Eric R Zwicky  2/4/24  8:45 am
Petition John L Ditto Jr.,MD  2/4/24  8:44 am
I STRONGLY SUPPORT THIS PETITION! Jennifer Kavanaugh  2/4/24  7:53 am
I support this petition Anonymous (222032)  2/4/24  6:58 am
Menhaden Protection Rebecca Taylor-White  2/4/24  1:55 am
Support the Petition Natalie Pien  2/3/24  10:16 pm
Save our Menhaden Petition Bruce Robson  2/3/24  9:25 pm
I support this bill John Talley  2/3/24  9:14 pm
support the Petition fear of jobs lost seems unfounded Charlotte King Lilly  2/3/24  9:10 pm
I support this petition James Pridgen  2/3/24  8:39 pm
I support the Petition Victoria Carter  2/3/24  8:06 pm
I support the Petition . Charlie Bennett  2/3/24  7:55 pm
Menhaden John Coe  2/3/24  6:57 pm
Stop Menhaden reduction fishing in the Chesapeake Bay David H Stevens  2/3/24  6:57 pm
Menhaden Adam D'Onofrio  2/3/24  4:57 pm
I strongly support this petition Ruth Amundsen  2/3/24  3:52 pm
I support this bill Cynthia Green  2/3/24  3:20 pm
I support the petition. Thomas P. Charlock (Hampton Roads Bird Club newsletter editor)  2/3/24  3:07 pm
I strongly support this petition. Nancy B  2/3/24  3:04 pm
I strongly agree with this petition. Bill Wood  2/3/24  2:57 pm
I support the petition Dr Angela Herring  2/3/24  2:47 pm
Petition for Rulemaking. Tim Spies  2/3/24  2:27 pm
I support this petition Michael Schlosser  2/3/24  2:26 pm
AGREE WITH THIS PETITION Charles J. Bruckner Jr  2/3/24  2:16 pm
I support this petition Carolyn Ross  2/3/24  2:11 pm
I Strongly Support Protection for Menhaden Joan Keith  2/3/24  12:48 pm
i do NOT support this petition. Andy Hall  2/3/24  12:08 pm
I strongly support this petition! Doc Hopkins  2/3/24  10:55 am
Not Financially Smart Bill Ellis  2/3/24  10:47 am
I strongly support this petition. Barbara Luck  2/3/24  10:39 am
I support this position Michael Lange  2/3/24  10:31 am
I strongly support this petition Gwyn Williams  2/3/24  10:22 am
I Support this Petition Joshua Rellick  2/3/24  9:50 am
I support this petition Sally Henderson  2/3/24  9:16 am
SUPPORT this petition JP Pinzon  2/3/24  9:13 am
Petition to VMRC to address menhaden overharvesting John Cruickshank  2/3/24  9:06 am
Allow the menhaden to recover Terra Pascarosa Duff, TerraScapes  2/3/24  9:00 am
Support Atlantic Menhaden petition Glen Besa  2/3/24  8:17 am
Please support this petition. Bill Hafker  2/3/24  7:18 am
Support menhaden petition Christine Llewellyn  2/3/24  5:36 am
Support the petition Jo Doumbia  2/3/24  1:07 am
support the petition Tyla Matteson  2/3/24  12:31 am
Menhaden fishery Dan Crawford  2/3/24  12:06 am
Osprey need their menhaden Audrey Dannenberg  2/2/24  11:57 pm
petition Tenille Atchison  2/2/24  6:02 pm
Sierra Club Supports this Petition Sierra Club  2/2/24  5:25 pm
I SUPPORT this petition Lynn Jenkins  2/2/24  5:23 pm
I support THIS Daniel Blaha  2/2/24  4:28 pm
I do support this petition Mr. Davis  2/2/24  3:41 pm
Support paragraph 1 Dennis Sauve  2/2/24  3:41 pm
I support this petition Bob Reilly  2/2/24  3:00 pm
Menhaden Petition Tom Rickard  2/2/24  2:47 pm
THE BAY IS NOT THE OCEAN. jean nelson  2/2/24  12:37 pm
I do NOT support this Bonnie Sanders  2/2/24  11:42 am
Menhaden Diana Burson  2/2/24  11:17 am
I do not support Burton Thrift  2/2/24  10:35 am
There is no resident population, so how can there be localized depletion? Melissa Thrift  2/2/24  10:33 am
I support this petition. Omega should not fish in the Bay. Caleb Gill  2/2/24  10:18 am
Preserve our resources Jeff Welch  2/2/24  10:03 am
Strongly support! June S Henderson MD  2/2/24  9:57 am
Support petition- - prevent vast ecosystem destruction Moira Croghan  2/2/24  9:39 am
Don't support this petition George Tuthill  2/2/24  9:25 am
I SUPPORT this petition Timshel Purdum  2/2/24  8:44 am
I don't support Anonymous (221968)  2/2/24  8:42 am
Do not support Wanda Seldon  2/2/24  8:36 am
I do not support this petition Anonymous (221966)  2/2/24  8:21 am
I do not support B. Mullen  2/2/24  8:09 am
I don't support this! We are a fishing community that supports Omega! Victoria Tuthill  2/2/24  8:05 am
I do not support this petition Mollie Bondurant  2/2/24  8:03 am
Against! Brooke Kessler  2/2/24  8:02 am
I do not support Charnele Mardner  2/2/24  8:00 am
Petition Mollie Bondurant  2/2/24  8:00 am
I do not support this petition Thomas Gaskins  2/2/24  7:57 am
Do not support Brenda L Allen  2/2/24  7:57 am
I do not support this petition! Lewis Dawson  2/2/24  7:53 am
I support this petition Chris  2/2/24  7:50 am
Do not support this petition Alan Hinson  2/2/24  7:50 am
I do NOT support this petition Joanne Hinson  2/2/24  7:48 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PETITION! Jane Crowther  2/2/24  7:47 am
Petition Anonymous (221952)  2/2/24  7:42 am
I do not support this petition Sandra Kiser  2/2/24  7:40 am
I do not support this petition Sarah Belle  2/2/24  7:38 am
I do not support this petition Joseph Jewell  2/2/24  7:37 am
I do not support this petition Lacie Gaskins  2/2/24  7:37 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT Shannon Westman  2/2/24  7:36 am
I do not support this petition joanne groffel  2/2/24  7:36 am
I do not support this petition Rob Groffel  2/2/24  7:36 am
Do NOT support Sara Gaskins  2/2/24  7:35 am
I do not support this petition Pat Groffel  2/2/24  7:35 am
I do not support Donnie Davis  2/2/24  7:35 am
I do not support this petition Mady Davis  2/2/24  7:35 am
I do not support this petition Stephanie Mejia  2/2/24  7:34 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT Wynesha Tate  2/2/24  7:34 am
NOT SUPPORTING THIS PETITION Zach Kues  2/2/24  7:29 am
Do Not Support Petition Mary Deihl  2/2/24  6:59 am
I support this petition. Henry Van Gils  2/2/24  6:47 am
I do no support this petition Debbie Oder  2/2/24  6:04 am
I do not support Thomas Moore  2/2/24  5:20 am
I support the petition. Concerned Resident  2/1/24  4:27 pm
I support this Ryan Lockwood, citizen  2/1/24  3:09 pm
menhaden fishing ban Gordon Archer  2/1/24  2:00 pm
I support this Robert D. Newman  2/1/24  12:46 pm
SUPPORT MENHADEN MEASURE FOR ALL WILDLIFE Molly Moore, President, Southern Maryland Audubon  2/1/24  12:38 pm
Support this John James Clark  2/1/24  12:10 pm
I support Cole Clark  2/1/24  12:03 pm
I support the petition Robert Clark  2/1/24  12:00 pm
We support the petition Bob Lukinic, for Southern Maryland Audubon Society's over 600 members  2/1/24  11:12 am
I support this petition! Jillian Siefert  2/1/24  10:51 am
strongly support Mark Stromdahl  2/1/24  10:15 am
I do not support this pentition Jessica Haynie  2/1/24  9:42 am
I do not support this pentition Sarah Haynie  2/1/24  9:41 am
Menhaden Tyler Haynie  2/1/24  9:38 am
Please do something! Sarah Bagby  2/1/24  7:17 am
I DO NOT support Anonymous (221914)  2/1/24  7:05 am
I DO NOT support this petition Matthew Sprague  2/1/24  5:52 am
I support this petition Laura  1/31/24  10:08 pm
Menhaden Billy Haynie  1/31/24  8:54 pm
Menhaden Erin Haynie  1/31/24  8:53 pm
HB19 Anonymous (221845)  1/31/24  4:51 pm
I support this petition, menhaden harvest in Alt Ocean only Ruth Meyers  1/31/24  3:07 pm
I support this petition Claude Davenport  1/31/24  1:26 pm
I am in favor of this petition Anne N Lytle  1/31/24  12:59 pm
I support this petition Shewbridge  1/31/24  12:48 pm
Petition Elizabeth Vitak  1/31/24  12:36 pm
Do not support the petition Matt Thompson  1/31/24  12:11 pm
I support this petition Paul Glass  1/31/24  12:08 pm
I support this petition. Rachel Kelmartin  1/31/24  11:22 am
I support this petitiona Susan sutherling  1/31/24  11:20 am
I do NOT support this petition Jason Jones  1/31/24  10:32 am
Petition for Rulemaking JIMMIE L PITTMAN CPA PC  1/31/24  10:28 am
I support Anonymous (221814)  1/31/24  10:18 am
I support this petition. Stop overfishing in VA. Rachel  1/31/24  10:16 am
I Support the Petition Joe Howerton  1/31/24  10:02 am
I support the measures in this petition Keith Kates  1/31/24  9:48 am
Alewives G Mitchell  1/31/24  9:13 am
I Do NOT support the petition. Gayle Sterrett  1/31/24  8:51 am
Petition Gayle Sterrett  1/31/24  8:49 am
I support this petition. Neil Hourihan  1/31/24  8:30 am
I support this petition Tyson Dominy  1/31/24  8:13 am
I support this petition Karl G  1/31/24  8:05 am
I do not support this petition in any way Anonymous (221804)  1/31/24  7:56 am
Menhaden over fishing I suppose this petition Mark campbell  1/31/24  7:47 am
Support M. Childs  1/31/24  7:35 am
I support this petition Stephen Brown  1/31/24  7:27 am
Menhaden Stephen Brown  1/31/24  7:25 am
I support these recommendations to limit the menhaden reduction fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay. Joanne Filion  1/31/24  6:58 am
Menhaden petition Anonymous (221798)  1/31/24  6:26 am
I SUPPORT THIS Anonymous (221797)  1/31/24  6:18 am
I do NOT support this petition! Doug Freeze  1/31/24  1:10 am
I do NOT support this petition! Jessie Hinson Freeze  1/31/24  1:08 am
I do not support this petition Daniel Robinson  1/31/24  12:31 am
I SUPPORT THIS Kenneth G Woods  1/31/24  12:22 am
I support this ! Burton Rogers  1/30/24  10:33 pm
I support this petition Christi Medice  1/30/24  9:42 pm
Opposed to petition Anonymous (221788)  1/30/24  8:04 pm
I support this petition Paul Roser  1/30/24  8:02 pm
I support the proposal Central Virginia Sport Fishing Association  1/30/24  6:54 pm
Our Osprey Deserve our Full Support Linda McBride  1/30/24  6:52 pm
Support for this petition Robert Thompson  1/30/24  6:47 pm
I do not support this petition! Judy Hudnall  1/30/24  6:34 pm
I do not support this petition! Robby Oder  1/30/24  5:43 pm
I support the petition Bruce keller  1/30/24  4:52 pm
Bunkers Donald Thorne  1/30/24  3:56 pm
I support the petition! Diana Kightlinger  1/30/24  3:53 pm
i do not support the petition. jonathan french  1/30/24  2:47 pm
I do not support this petition Belinda Abbott  1/30/24  2:23 pm
I do not support this petition Sonny Abbott  1/30/24  2:22 pm
I support the petition Joseph G Guy  1/30/24  1:00 pm
I support the recommendations/petition! Patrick Farley  1/30/24  12:52 pm
I Support this Petition Larry Tipton  1/30/24  12:38 pm
I support the recommendations David Mitchell  1/30/24  12:30 pm
Menhaden Fishery Mark Miller  1/30/24  12:17 pm
I support this bill William Newman  1/30/24  11:56 am
Menhaden Robin England  1/30/24  11:46 am
I do not support this petition! Irvin Lee Deihl, IV  1/30/24  11:23 am
I support the petition. Don L Hayes  1/30/24  11:17 am
I Support petition 401 Jack Kauffman  1/30/24  11:15 am
Support of the proposed new bill Doug Kelly CVSFA  1/30/24  11:14 am
support/Menhaden reduction petition Gregory Allen  1/30/24  11:06 am
menhaden fishery james Foreit  1/30/24  10:40 am
I support this petition Kevin Williams  1/30/24  10:38 am
I support this petition Joelle Buffa  1/30/24  10:30 am
This petition has my support Kiara Valentine  1/30/24  9:48 am
menhaden petition martin a barley  1/30/24  9:39 am
I support the petition Robert Womack  1/30/24  9:38 am
I support the petition Catherine Roseberry, birder  1/30/24  9:37 am
We must stop depleting the bay of the foundation of the food chain William Johnston  1/30/24  9:30 am
100% for this Michael E Morgan  1/30/24  9:07 am
I support the petition Herman Schlimmer  1/30/24  9:04 am
Sustainability parameters john m roberts  1/30/24  9:02 am
Save the osprey Martha Steger  1/30/24  9:00 am
Ban commercial harvesting of Menhaden in the Bay and Atlantic Ocean approaches to the Bay. Friend of the Bay  1/30/24  8:19 am
I support the petition 100% Anonymous (221718)  1/30/24  8:07 am
I support this petition! Robert Rand  1/30/24  7:27 am
I support the petition robert knoll  1/30/24  7:06 am
I support this petition! We need to restore the damaged Bay  1/30/24  7:05 am
I support the petition. Mario Grasso (Richmond Audubon Society)  1/30/24  7:01 am
Support Db  1/30/24  7:00 am
I support the petition Scott jarboe  1/30/24  6:59 am
Keep menhaden in the bay Anonymous (221711)  1/30/24  6:28 am
I support the petition Dave Alderman  1/30/24  5:19 am
I support this petition Lori Schamerhorn  1/30/24  2:53 am
I support the petition. Grace E.Suttle  1/30/24  1:02 am
I support the petition! Needed so badly. Stephen  1/29/24  10:34 pm
I do NOT support this petition Lisa Carol Rose  1/29/24  10:23 pm
Strong Support minus the 1 mile buffer David Tobey / Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association  1/29/24  10:07 pm
100% behind this! Jerry Hughes  1/29/24  9:21 pm
Crucial base of the Food Web Steven Kambouris  1/29/24  9:20 pm
Stop the commercial Menhaden Fishing in the Chesapeake Bay James G Dixon  1/29/24  8:51 pm
I support this petition. Dale Ude, SMRFO  1/29/24  8:29 pm
I oppose this petition James Crandall  1/29/24  8:20 pm
Support Robert Hammock  1/29/24  8:18 pm
Protect the Menhaden, crucial to the health of the bay Nelson Kline  1/29/24  8:01 pm
I support this petition Andy Smallwood  1/29/24  7:44 pm
I do not support this petition Tammy Crandall  1/29/24  7:34 pm
menhaden fishery petition carlton A Ford 9SMRFO  1/29/24  7:33 pm
I support the petition and its recommendations Joan Hashimoto  1/29/24  7:00 pm
Menhaden Fishery David E Skulski  1/29/24  6:58 pm
I support this petition. Reductions and restrictions are needed to protect this fishery. Bill Walls  1/29/24  6:51 pm
I support this petition Anonymous (221691)  1/29/24  6:47 pm
Do not support Anonymous (221690)  1/29/24  6:27 pm
Agree 100% Walter leverstein  1/29/24  6:11 pm
Menhaden Patrick Weston  1/29/24  6:11 pm
I absolutely agree with this petition! Nancy H Archer  1/29/24  5:59 pm
Support this petition David rudow  1/29/24  5:53 pm
I do not support this petition Robert Noel  1/29/24  5:53 pm
I support this petition Randy Gambrill  1/29/24  5:47 pm
Menhaden Rob Wilhoite  1/29/24  5:41 pm
Menhaden Richard Beckstead  1/29/24  5:21 pm
Menhaden Anonymous (221680)  1/29/24  5:16 pm
I support the petition ROC  1/29/24  4:38 pm
Do not David Haynie  1/29/24  4:28 pm
I support this petition. Penn Miller  1/29/24  4:22 pm
Menhaden Bruce Ball  1/29/24  4:20 pm
I support this petition Chris Vassallo  1/29/24  3:54 pm
I SUPPORT this petition! Graham Hickerson  1/29/24  3:43 pm
I support this petition. Caroline Coe  1/29/24  3:22 pm
I do not support Jason Lewis  1/29/24  3:19 pm
Oppose Petition - worthless waste of time Dixie Deihl  1/29/24  3:11 pm
I support this petition. Kim Cook  1/29/24  2:54 pm
Menhaden Gail Grasso  1/29/24  2:35 pm
I support the petition Steve Atkinson  1/29/24  2:33 pm
Atlantic Menhaden P Gerber  1/29/24  2:31 pm
Menhaden fishery Katherine Wetzel  1/29/24  2:25 pm
Menhaden Carl Rice  1/29/24  2:24 pm
I do not support this petition Rob Hudnall  1/29/24  2:07 pm
Menhaden Anonymous (221660)  1/29/24  2:06 pm
Menhaden Walt Vieser  1/29/24  1:52 pm
I support this petition Scot Calitri  1/29/24  1:44 pm
I Do NOT SUPPORT Todd Rice  1/29/24  1:42 pm
I do NOT support this petition Cammie Smith  1/29/24  1:35 pm
Restrict the overharvesting of menhaden in Chesapeake Bay Chris Buchleitner  1/29/24  1:24 pm
I support the reduction Rob  1/29/24  1:16 pm
I do not support this petition Ashley Dawson  1/29/24  1:06 pm
I support! Anonymous (221651)  1/29/24  1:00 pm
I do NOT support this petition Hannah Long  1/29/24  1:00 pm
I support this petition Matt Brooks  1/29/24  12:58 pm
Menhaden Shauna McCranie  1/29/24  12:58 pm
I support the petition Rick Lightfoot  1/29/24  12:46 pm
I support the petition Anonymous (221646)  1/29/24  12:44 pm
I do NOT support this petition. Meredith Thompson  1/29/24  12:43 pm
I support this petition for rulemaking Mary E  1/29/24  12:42 pm
I do not support this Zach Hall  1/29/24  12:41 pm
I support this petition Dannielle Heim  1/29/24  12:40 pm
I do NOT support this petition. Jessie Sterrett  1/29/24  12:40 pm
I support the petition Shaun Heim  1/29/24  12:39 pm
I do not support this petition John Deihl  1/29/24  12:39 pm
(Natural Resource Management Background) I support this petition. Brian Anisimov  1/29/24  12:36 pm
Non supporter Keenan Samuel  1/29/24  12:34 pm
Closed the menhanden! David Fray  1/29/24  12:33 pm
I do not support this petition Jonathan English  1/29/24  12:30 pm
I do not support this petition! Austin Robbins  1/29/24  12:26 pm
I do not support this petition. Bowe Rogers  1/29/24  12:25 pm
Oppose petition Clay Dameron  1/29/24  12:18 pm
I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PETITION Carlos Cockrell  1/29/24  12:15 pm
I do not support this petition clarence combs  1/29/24  12:12 pm
Oppose petition Anonymous (221628)  1/29/24  12:10 pm
I do not support this petition brandon tate  1/29/24  12:08 pm
I support this petition William Kivett  1/29/24  11:58 am
I support this Petition. Ban Menhaden fishing inside VA state Nick Kellas  1/29/24  11:55 am
I support the Petition Anthony Campitelli  1/29/24  11:53 am
I support the petition Daniel Roberts  1/29/24  11:53 am
I do not support this petition Nick Sterrett  1/29/24  11:52 am
Menhaden bill Charles Bourbeau  1/29/24  11:50 am
I disagree completely with this petition Forrest Brann  1/29/24  11:49 am
Menhaden Bill Chad Dameron  1/29/24  11:39 am
I do not support this petition Rick Rahn  1/29/24  11:31 am
Save the Menhaden Ty  1/29/24  11:26 am
I DO NOT support this Petition Dustin S  1/29/24  11:23 am
I support this petition John Hardesty  1/29/24  11:22 am
Banning Menhaden Fishing M W Robbins  1/29/24  11:20 am
I DO NOT Support this Petition. The Human Cost would be Enormous Bailey Loving  1/29/24  11:20 am
I Support petition Dale William Neal  1/29/24  11:19 am
I support a ban or reduction of Menhaden harvesting in the Bay and Potomac river. Edward T Blunt Sr  1/29/24  11:18 am
Regulations for the sake of Regulating (No Support) Braxton Carter Robbins  1/29/24  11:17 am
I fully support this petition Laura Lee Dickinson  1/29/24  11:17 am
I fully support this petition. Jeffrey Rayner  1/29/24  11:16 am
Petition Dalton Keyser  1/29/24  11:15 am
I do not support this Tim Crandall  1/29/24  11:14 am
I support the petition-Long overdue! David Weston  1/29/24  11:09 am
I do not support this petition. Abigail Robbins  1/29/24  11:08 am
Do Not Support Petition Michelle Robbins  1/29/24  11:08 am
Menhaden petition David Weston  1/29/24  11:07 am
I do not support the petition. Kristen Blackwell  1/29/24  11:06 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PETITION! Jane Crowther  1/29/24  11:03 am
Menhaden Anonymous (221596)  1/29/24  11:02 am
Petition William Blackwell  1/29/24  11:02 am
Atlantic Menhaden Petition Randy Hunton  1/29/24  11:01 am
I do NOT support this petition Steven B French  1/29/24  10:56 am
I do not support the petition Leo Robbins  1/29/24  10:54 am
I support this petition Ann DeVaul  1/29/24  10:53 am
I support this petition Jon thume  1/29/24  10:53 am
I I do not support this petition. Brenda Parrott  1/29/24  10:53 am
DO NOT SUPPORT THIS NONSENSE Bryce  1/29/24  10:52 am
I support a moratorium on purse seine fishing in the Chesapeake Bay! Nicholas Zacharias  1/29/24  10:49 am
Petition Brenda Parrott  1/29/24  10:49 am
I am against this petition gail Bondurant  1/29/24  10:46 am
I do NOT support this petition Kassidy Buergert  1/29/24  10:45 am
I support this. Billy Gimbel  1/29/24  10:43 am
I support this. Billy Gimebl  1/29/24  10:43 am
I disagree with this petition John E. Haynie  1/29/24  10:42 am
Support the ban of Omega Protein from the Bay David  1/29/24  10:41 am
I disagree with this petition. Susan D. Haynie  1/29/24  10:40 am
I support ending menhaden reduction fishery in the Chesapeake Anonymous (221577)  1/29/24  10:32 am
Disagree Wyatt English  1/29/24  10:31 am
I do not support this petition Dwayne Corsey  1/29/24  10:30 am
I do not support this petition Dwayne Corsey  1/29/24  10:29 am
I do not support this petition Dwayne Corsey  1/29/24  10:28 am
I do not support this petition Dwayne Corsey  1/29/24  10:28 am
Limiting Commercial Menhaden Quotas Charles Spindelman/Hudson River Fishing Association(  1/29/24  10:26 am
I do not support this petition Allen Davis  1/29/24  10:22 am
I support a ban of commercial menhaden fishing in the Chesapeake bay Jerry Moretz  1/29/24  10:18 am
Menhaden petition John Carrico  1/29/24  10:13 am
I do not support this petition Taylor Deihl  1/29/24  10:10 am
Menhaden Petition Bill Sammler  1/29/24  10:07 am

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