Board Description: |
Purpose, Powers and Duties: To provide for the conservation of soil and water resources; control and prevent soil erosion, flood water, and sediment damage; manage stormwater; oversee and support the soil and water conservation districts; and preserve the natural resources of the Commonwealth.
Composition: The Board shall consist of nine voting members. The Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, or his designee, shall be a nonvoting ex officio member of the Board. Three at-large members of the Board shall be appointed by the Governor. After the initial staggering of terms, nonlegislative citizen members shall be appointed for a term of four years. At least two members shall be appointed by the Governor as at-large members and shall have a demonstrated interest in natural resource conservation with a background or knowledge in dam safety, soil conservation, or water quality protection. Additionally, four members shall be farmers at the time of their appointment and two members shall be farmers or district directors, appointed by the Governor from a list of two qualified nominees for each vacancy jointly submitted by the Board of Directors of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, in consultation with the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation and the Virginia Agribusiness Council, and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board, each for a term of four years. All appointed members shall not serve more than two consecutive full terms. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made in the same manner as the original appointments, except that such appointments shall be for the unexpired terms only. The Board may invite the Virginia State Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service, to serve as an advisory nonvoting member. The chairman is designated by the board.
[NOTE: 2013, cc. 756, 793 enactment Clause 3. That the provisions of ยง 10.1-502, as amended by this act, shall not be construed to affect existing appointments for which the terms have not expired. However, any new appointments or appointments to fill vacancies made after the effective date of this act shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this act.]
Official Board Description: |
Link to VA Administrative Code
Frequency of Meetings: |
4 per year
Website: | |
Primary contact information for this board.
Name / Title: |
Lisa McGee
/ Policy and Planning Director
Address: |
600 East Main Street, 24th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address: | |
Telephone: |
FAX: (804)786-6141
TDD: ()-