7/29/2024 9:54 am Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations | VA.R. Document Number: R____-______ |
Virginia Register Publication Information
Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: | Marine Resources Commission |
Regulatory Coordinator: | Jennifer Farmer (757)247-2248 jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov |
Agency Contact: | Jennifer Farmer Regulatory Coordinator (757)247-2248 jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov |
Contact Address: | Marine Resources Commission 380 Fenwick Road Building 96 Fort Monroe, VA 23651 |
Chapter Affected: | |
4 vac 20 - 1260: | Pertaining to River Herring |
Statutory Authority: |
State: Federal: |
Date Petition Received | 07/29/2024 |
Petitioner | Robert Allen, Coastal Conservation Association Virginia |
The petitioner's request is as follows: "This petition requests rulemaking by the
Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) for a managed recreational Hickory Shad
fishery in Chesapeake Bay waters and coastal rivers and their tributaries within Virginia
with a daily creel limit informed by and adjusted based on best available data. The
requested regulation would be part of existing VMRC fisheries management for Alosine
species and is needed to conserve the Hickory Shad stock by replacing unrestricted
recreational harvesting with a controlled fishery. Unrestricted take exposes this
species to overharvesting and diminishes the contribution of Virginia coastal river
spawners to species abundance.
Petition objectives are to conserve the Hickory Shad species in Virginia's Chesapeake
Bay waters and tributaries, sustain its contribution to species abundance of the East
Coast stock, maintain a quality recreational fishery, and support shad and herring
restoration plans.
The proposed fishery management action is for non-indigenous recreational fishing
only. It would not alter commercial fishing regulations or the fishing rights of Native
Americans who habitually reside on an Indian reservation or are members of a Virginia-recognized
tribe who reside in the Commonwealth."
Agency Plan
The Marine Resources Commission, as required by Virginia law, is submitting notice
of the petition for publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations and announcing
a public comment period. Following receipt of comments on the petition, the Commission
will consider whether to grant or deny the petition for rulemaking.
Publication Date | 08/26/2024 (comment period will also begin on this date) |
Comment End Date | 09/16/2024 |