4/26/2024 1:52 pm
Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations
VA.R. Document Number: R____-______
Virginia Register Publication Information

Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: Marine Resources Commission
Regulatory Coordinator: Jennifer Farmer


Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer

Regulatory Coordinator


Contact Address: Marine Resources Commission

380 Fenwick Road

Building 96

Fort Monroe, VA 23651
Chapter Affected:
vac 20 - 1270: Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden
Statutory Authority: State:

Date Petition Received 12/21/2023
Petitioner Chesapeake Legal Alliance (David Reed) and Southern Maryland Recreational Fishing Organization
 Petitioner's Request
A petition for rulemaking has been requested by the petitioners for the following: 1. Enact a moratorium in the Bay: Set a precautionary moratorium on purse seine landings by the menhaden reduction fleet within the Chesapeake Bay.2. Require no less than 40% of harvest from federal waters: Set a limit of no more than 60% of current purse seine menhaden landings within Virginia waters (approximately 94,000 metric tons).3. Codify a 1-mile shoreline buffer: Establish a permanent 1-nautical mile shoreline buffer along Virginia's shoreline prohibiting the use of menhaden purse seines.4. Fund and implement a menhaden population study: Implement and enhance the Atlantic Menhaden Research proposal to investigate localized depletion and its impacts on the Bay (VIMS, October 1, 2023).5. Establish proper industry oversight: Require increased vessel and landings monitoring and reporting to ensure compliance and reduce bycatch and impacts on Bay habitats.
 Agency Plan
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission is submitting notice of the petition for publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations and announcing a public comment period. Following receipt of comments on the petition, the Commission will review the petition.
Publication Date 01/15/2024  (comment period will also begin on this date)
Comment End Date 02/05/2024
 Agency Decision
Take no action
Agency Response Date 04/26/2024
 Agency Decision Text
The Commission Board, following an evaluation of staff analysis and public comment, denied the petition for rulemaking. There was consensus among staff, the petitioner, and public comment that additional scientific research is imperative to ascertain the ramifications of Atlantic menhaden fisheries removals on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. The Commission issued a directive to staff, in consultation with the Menhaden Management Advisory Committee (MMAC) to undertake the following tasks: Conduct a reassessment of the one-mile shoreline buffer, which entails the prohibition of menhaden purse seine fishery. Examine the possibility of reducing the duration of days allocated for purse seine fishing activity within the Chesapeake Bay.