Action | Initial regulations for licensure of music therapists |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ends 2/14/2025 |
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I fully support the passage of this bill enacting Regulations and Licensure for Music Therapy. I have first-hand knowledge of the incredible benefit Music Therapy provides in the healing and mental health improvement for so many. Whether children, teens, or adults, Music Therapy is proven to provide direct support and critical pathways to life-changing mental and physical health improvement. Please take this bill seriously and make every effort to pass it. Virginians deserve this. Thank you.
While Music Therapy is a relatively young field in comparison to other healing professions, over the past 40 years our national certification board for music therapists has worked to create both educational and ethical standards for those that would claim the title of Board-Certified Music Therapist.
In our work as music therapists, we see every day the tremendous effect that music can have on our clients and patients to help them achieve their goals and improve their lives. However, music can also cause harm, and our training as MTs helps us to navigate unexpected responses and help our clients and patients return to a place of safety.
It is currently legal for anyone in Virginia to call themselves a music therapist despite not having any training or certification as such (and more importantly, not being beholden to a licensing body in the case of unethical behavior). State licensure will ensure that Virginians seeking music therapy services will be treated by qualified professionals who are beholden to ethical standards and requisite training and education.
Thank you for your consideration,
Catherine Backus, MT-BC
I strongly support the need for licensure regulations governing the practice of Music Therapy (18 VAC 140 ? 30). Licensure is essential to protect clients, patients, and other vulnerable individuals who rely on qualified professionals to provide safe, evidence-based care. The lack of clear licensure requirements increases the risk of harm, as unqualified individuals may misrepresent themselves as music therapists, potentially providing ineffective or harmful interventions.
Clear licensure standards ensure that individuals receiving Music Therapy are treated by professionals who have the necessary education, training, and ethical accountability. Music Therapy is a highly specialized field, and the public’s understanding is often clouded by unlicensed practitioners falsely labeling their work as "music therapy." Proper licensure will safeguard the integrity of the profession and ensure the highest quality of care for those in need.
I am writing to express my strong support for the licensure of music therapists, drawing on the profound impact they've had on my son, who has autism. Music therapy gives him a unique and effective way to communicate when words alone aren't enough. Licensed music therapists can employ highly specialized techniques tailored to my son's individual needs, fostering improvements in his social skills, emotional regulation, and cognitive development.
Licensing music therapists would ensure that all practitioners in this field are adequately trained and held to consistent professional standards, thereby ensuring that all individuals have access to high-quality therapy services.
My son has autism. It was diagnosed later than usual as his diagnosis was not “typical”. Once we got the diagnosis which was a relief but also just opening another door of the unknown we noticed he had a love for piano. I immediately found Anderson music therapy as way that he can channel his creativity and calm him in high stress situations. Music has always been something he enjoys and since going to Andersons and getting music therapy he has made leaps and bounds with his frustration intolerance and other struggles he has faced. Recognizing this type of therapy with licensure would insure the right people are in the positions to help those who truly need the help.
To Whom It May Concern,
Since a cycling accident in 2020 that left me paralyzed with a traumatic brain injury, I have been rehabilitated with many forms of therapy, including physical, occupational, speech, and recreational therapies (including art) at the famous Shepherd Center in Atlanta and at Carilion here in Roanoke. All of these formats felt essential to my recovery. Oddly, even the Shepherd Center did not have a music therapist.
Because my wife knows how much I love music, she searched for music therapy and discovered Anderson. Because Anderson had won a grant to provide free individual and group music therapy, I was able to work one-on-one with phenomenal therapists who happened to be amazing musicians. They helped me regain some of my love of percussion and taught me how to play piano and guitar, which helped me focus my mind on learning new skills. After the first 12-week session, I was able to repeat, and it resulted in the completion a song for my wife that I began long ago. This meant that I was synthesizing writing, playing, singing, and even learning how to record music using Garage Band. I'm not ready for the Grand Ole Opry, but it reignited a creative spark in me. For 12 weeks, Anderson even helped my family come together to sing songs, learn percussion, which is the first time my family has been involved directly in any aspect of my therapy. I cannot overstate the significance of this development.
Meanwhile, the online group that Anderson therapists have conducted continues to be a bedrock element in my recovery. I have been stimulated and challenged by the various modalities that have included rewriting song lyrics and using percussion instruments in ways that compel us to think with both sides of our brains. Moreover, we connect as a group, share songs and stories, and leave each hour feeling much better twice a week. It is the only group I work with, and I have been involved since 2023. We care about each other, and those of us with TBIs desperately need that kind of camaraderie and brain massage.
Recently, Anderson teamed up with Carilion to offer an opportunity for some TBI patients to sing together with a group of therapists and even family members in preparation for a public concert. I once sang in a choir. I never sang that well, but I had a big voice. My SCI limits my ability to sing well because I cannot control my core and lungs like I once did. Nonetheless, the process has helped me regain a bit of my voice, while enjoying the whole process with my family, TBI friends, and therapists.
All these therapeutic elements have helped me overcome much of my loss. Sometimes, I feel like my injuries led me, however unlikely, to a silver lining of qualifying for this blissful brain spa called Anderson Music Therapy. But calling Anderson a brain spa might come off glib or undermine it as non-essential or unprofessional. In fact, I have worked with most of the staff, either one-on-one or in a group setting. All of them have degrees in music therapy and are licensed. They all employ the same high standards and achieve remarkable results with us. I feel confident that Anderson Music Therapy is worthy of full licensure and accreditation.
I would be happy to elaborate if necessary.
Robert Robillard
As a person with a TBI and ADD issues for most of not all of my life, music therapy has been helpful with me coping and expressing my emotions clearer. These therapist are a very needed thing in the medical and everyday community!!
I had my stroke in September 2022 and then I had a second series of stroke in March 2023 and I've got to tell you the Anderson music program got me out of a funk. I have been depressed with the new me not being able to do the things that I used to do when I was employed as a chef I got to tell you that I thought the program was great meeting other people who were in a similar situation as I was that it itself was uplifting and working together as a a team with music as the focal point really brought a smile to my face and helped me through some tough times I did really enjoy listening to the music participating in the group selecting songs we'd like to hear and also playing song mad labs which was a lot of fun and I brought a smile to my face. I would recommend that Anderson music therapy achieve their full Virginia state license they certainly deserve it and I have made recommendations for them to others in my Stroke Support group at a local hospital and how great they were and how it made me feel I would recommend them over an offer
Anderson music Therapy’s music therapy has been an effective tool for me in my recovery from traumatic brain injury and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome the music groups and one on one music therapy and music lessons have provided social interaction, emotional support and education that have improved my mood and musical skills and knowledge I highly recommend Anderson music therapy to anyone who likes music
I am a client at Anderson Music Therapy & the help I’ve received is beyond description. The fusion of music with therapy provides a unique opportunity to go places where words sometimes can’t. This is an incredible team of people…they are both therapists & musicians. They are compassionate & professional. Their impact has helped a lot of people across this state. I can never say thank you enough. I hope they receive this state licensure and I look forward to watching them continue grow & help even more fellow Virginians.
Thank you Anderson Music Therapy… and… thank you Virginia!
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a severe traumatic brain injury survivor. I was in a coma for three weeks and in my first week I had three strokes at the age of 34 (bilateral cerebellar stroke, brainstem stroke, and thalamic stroke). I had weeks of neuro storming and about five weeks of post traumatic amnesia. I am so lucky and grateful to be alive!
It doesn't end there though. The strokes and TBI left me paralyzed. I couldn't walk, talk, move my face, eat, and I could barely breathe on my own. The breathing on my own took me about three months to accomplish. It wasn't an easy feat, but I definitely did it.
I was at Sheltering Arms Institute in Richmond for my rehabilitation. There I learned how to walk again, learned how to speak again, and learned how to eat again. I was also introduced to music therapy as my doctor was firm in saying that positivity is crucial for my healing. It was absolutely amazing!
Since being discharged, I have been active with the Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley. My case manager introduced me to Anderson Music Therapy! Noel and her team are amazing and properly licensed. I worked one on one with a fantastic therapist who had, at least, three different licenses! One being a Neurologic Music Therapist. Having this has made it better in our sessions because she understands and has been properly educated to help me. Let's face it, my brain isn't the same as any "normal" person off the street.
Even though Anderson is two hours away from me, they have virtual sessions which has been great! I started with Anderson having low self-esteem in the beginning. By the end, I have increased greatly and am starting to feel a lot better in certain situations, I don't get so overwhelmed, and I know I can make myself comfortable again by listening to some music or doing a guided meditation.
I have learned so much with the therapists at Anderson. I think it's crucial to make sure everyone is properly licensed. For example, my best friend could never do anything the therapists can do at Anderson. She is simply not educated from a Neurological standpoint. Working with Anderson, I make sure proper licensures are in place when I recommend someone else to music therapy in their area. If not, I tell them Anderson has a virtual group as well!
I am now in a group music session, and we learn new things and challenge ourselves. We also take the time to introduce new music and explain what it means to us, and we connect with others from all over the state of Virginia.
I am also in the process of facial reanimation as I have bilateral facial paralysis; this group makes me feel so welcomed and with my individual sessions I have great confidence and can go out in public with a swollen and bruised face!
All of this to say, it is extremely important to validate those with proper licenses. Being with Anderson has truly made a huge impact on my life and I cannot thank them enough for helping me get my confidence back.
Jessica Damico