Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Virginia Standards of Accreditation [8 VAC 20 ‑ 132]
Action Revisions to the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 9/25/2024
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9/25/24  9:33 pm
Commenter: Alphonse Galdes

Proud to be a Virginian

I am thoroughly impressed by these changes to the accountability system. They are detailed, thoughtful, well informed, and professional. They will shine light on needs, which is exactly how it should be. I am appalled by the number of people who think shoving data and information under the rug is the way to serve students, families, and the economy of this great state. There is no shame in admitting our shortcomings as that is the only way we can get to where we want to go. We need to model honest hard work to our young people and do everything we can to help them achieve at the highest levels they can, and make no excuses for anything less. Thank you for these reforms, they will course correct the terrible impacts of the pandemic on this state and generation of young people.

CommentID: 227975