Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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1/18/24  8:04 pm
Commenter: Glenn Carter

I support this petition

I began my fishing career on the Rappahanock and Ware Rivers around 1960. In those days there were plenty of spot and other bottom fish to go after and I can specifically remember on calm days seeing menhaden schools pretty much every where. I really can’t remember the last time I witnessed this. They are pretty much gone and no menhaden schools in the rivers to speak of now.

I find it interesting that Virginia is the ONLY state on the east coast that allows this fishery and we have the largest nursery area by far in the bay. This nursery serves many fish specie as well as the Osprey. Omega contends they are not overfishing the Coastwide population of menhaden and many jobs would be lost if Omega was pushed out of the bay. From what I have read the Coastwide population of menhaden is not overfished. But I think it is past time for us to concentrate on the Chesapeake Bay population. If VMRC would do their job, Omega would be only allowed to fish in Federal waters. Zero jobs associated with this fishery would be lost. Yes, Omega’s operating cost would go up. And the bay wide depletion of the Chesapeake Bay menhaden population would rebound as would everything in the bay that depends on this food source. 

There is a serious management problem within the powers to be at VMRC. That much is pretty apparent if you are paying attention.

Its time to take action VMRC!!

CommentID: 221236