Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Virginia Standards of Accreditation [8 VAC 20 ‑ 132]
Action Revisions to the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 9/25/2024
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9/25/24  8:36 pm
Commenter: Camille Galdes

Thank you for the much needed updates to VA’s accountability system

Sending a big personal thank you for rrevising the Accountability and Accreditation Framework. The current system is failing to provide the type of transparency families need to assess their child’s school’s performance an, to boot, preventing  efforts  support the schools that are in greatest need. I fully endorse that the  Framework gives greater weight to mastery rather than growth and the mastery index (vs. a simplistic proficiency measure), to ensure that Virginia stops graduating students who lack basic, necessary skills to succeed in life. The mastery index which weights different student outcomes is critical to incentivizing districts to develop students to their full potential. The current  system focuses on students passing SOLs and has no  incentive to encourage students to reach higher levels of understanding the material. I also support giving chronic absenteeism a meaningful weight in the performance measur—if we want students to progress academically, we need them to be in school. The middle school readiness indicator is especially promising, as elementary schools vary so widely and middle school is often where students fall through the cracks. Every Virginia middle school student who is properly prepared for Algebra and other advanced coursework in middle school should have the opportunity to take it. Thank you again for your hard work which will put Virginia back on track!!

CommentID: 227954