Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/4/24  9:20 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


While I acknowledge many of the good points in the proposal, I am vehemently against OWD. It imposes an unnecessary burden on families and EORs, adding layers of complexity that make the system unworkable. The role of an attendant is difficult enough, and with such low pay, it’s nearly impossible to find people willing to do the job when they can earn more with benefits at a place like Target. DMAS is well aware of the ongoing provider shortage, yet they refuse to address it. Instead, DMAS and DBHDS seem to operate under the assumption that families are attempting to game the system, when in reality, we’re doing our best to survive. Without enough providers, these waivers hold no value—they are little more than a house of cards, ready to fall. 

CommentID: 227638