Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/4/24  9:18 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


Though I am aligned with much of what is proposed, I must firmly advocate for the removal of OWD. The requirement creates unnecessary hurdles for families and EORs, adding layers of complexity that are neither practical nor sustainable. The attendant position is already underpaid and overburdened, and it’s clear why people choose jobs with better pay and benefits, such as those at retail chains like Target. DMAS is fully aware of the severe provider shortage yet continues to do nothing to address it. Rather than supporting families, DMAS and DBHDS treat us with suspicion, as if we are trying to game the system. The truth is that we’re barely managing. Without adequate providers, the waivers are essentially meaningless, an empty promise that crumbles under the slightest pressure. 

CommentID: 227633