Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/31/24  9:55 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

HB909/SB488 (2024)

HB909/SB488 (2024): Finalizing rules regarding when a Legally Responsible Individual (LRI) is the paid aide/attendant for the personal care service.

The process of submitting Objective Written Documentation was not only time-consuming but also emotionally draining. It forced parents to prove their child’s need for care over and over again, which was both invasive and unnecessary. Returning to this system would be a huge step backward for all of us. The documentation requirements were a constant source of stress and anxiety. It was a never-ending battle to gather and submit the necessary paperwork promptly. This process took away from the time I needed to care for my child. Reverting this system would be a disservice to all families relying on these services.

The current regulations under HB909/SB488 that do not require OWD to be continuous have wisely acknowledged the critical importance of my role as an LRI, ensuring that my expertise is prioritized in my child’s care.

CommentID: 227563