Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  3:05 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


The implementation of the LRI guardrails has significantly exacerbated the stress and anxiety faced by families who are already navigating daily challenges. Until recently, I struggled to secure employment that could accommodate my son's care needs. The ability for my husband and me to serve as caregivers for our son has been vital in ensuring he receives the necessary care while also supporting our family. However, the restriction on respite care has imposed a substantial hardship on us. We are currently unable to regularly find a caregiver, and the elimination of respite hours means that even occasional caregiving or participation in a respite program does not provide the critical relief we need. I urge reconsideration of this policy to support the numerous exhausted caregivers of children with profound needs.

CommentID: 227542