Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  12:52 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Finalizing rules when a (LRI) is the paid aide/attendant for the personal care service

My son with congestive heart failure (CHF) requires meticulous care to manage their condition, including medication management and monitoring for fluid retention. I have become skilled at recognizing early signs of exacerbation and taking appropriate action to prevent hospitalization. A new caregiver unfamiliar with the specific needs of a CHF patient could miss these critical signs, leading to life-threatening complications. I should be the first choice to ensure my parent’s care is delivered with the expertise required. HB909/SB488 has allowed me to continue providing this high level of care, ensuring my parent’s condition remains stable. The Virginia General Assembly’s actions have been essential in safeguarding their health. Amending these provisions could result in caregivers who are not adequately trained to manage CHF, leading to potential heart failure. The current waiver draft could introduce caregivers who might not detect early warning signs, resulting in preventable hospitalizations and a decline in my parent's health.

CommentID: 227523