Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Periodic Reviews
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Periodic Review status of 8 chapters for the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired.
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< 4 Chapter less then 4 years old, no review required. 
secretariat Health and Human Resources
board Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired

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VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
22 VAC 45-12 Public Participation Guidelines 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-20 Regulations to Govern the Operation of Vending Facilities in Public Buildings and Other Property 3/27/2020
22 VAC 45-30 Regulations Governing the Sale and Distribution of Goods and Articles Made By Blind Persons 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-40 Rules and Regulations Governing Vending Facilities in Public Buildings 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-51 Regulations Governing Provisions of Services in Vocational Rehabilitation 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-70 Regulations Governing the Provision of Rehabilitation Teaching and Independent Living Services 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-100 Regulations Governing Deaf-Blind Services 11/21/2023
22 VAC 45-110 Regulations Governing Low Vision 11/21/2023