Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Periodic Reviews
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Periodic Review status of 12 chapters for the Department of General Services.
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< 4 Chapter less then 4 years old, no review required. 
secretariat Administration
board Department of General Services

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VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
1 VAC 30-11 Public Participation Guidelines 1/6/2022
1 VAC 30-20 Survey Standards for the Inspection of Hospitals for the Presence of Asbestos
1 VAC 30-30 Survey Standards for the Inspection of Child Care Centers for the Presence of Asbestos
1 VAC 30-41 Regulations for Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water 8/14/2023
1 VAC 30-45 Regulations Governing the Certification of Non-Commercial Environmental Laboratories 9/1/2016
1 VAC 30-46 Regulations Governing the Certification of Commercial Environmental Laboratories
1 VAC 30-100 Regulations for Capitol Square
1 VAC 30-105 Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies 1/27/2017
1 VAC 30-110 Aggressive Air Sampling Standards to Be Utilized in Final Clearance Inspections for Asbestos Projects in Local Education Agencies and Public Colleges and Universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia
1 VAC 30-120 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as Amended
1 VAC 30-130 Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual
1 VAC 30-140 Vendors Manual