Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
138 guidance documents relevant to this agency for the criteria specified
Documents applying to multiple boards may be listed under each board.

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
5534 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
6036 Board for Professional & Occupational Regulation Guidelines for Evaluation of Petitions for Regulation 9/22/2016 
5816 2023-24 New Board Member Manual 7/1/2023 
Policy #100-02 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance 11/9/2023 
BOARD: Auctioneers Board
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects
4426 Requirements for the Use of Topographic Surveys, Orthographic Maps or other Geospatial Data in Virginia 9/15/2015 
4919 Onsite Sewage Systems Designed by Professional Engineers & Onsite Soil Evaluators * 6/13/2016 
4987 Comity Applicant Criteria of the APELSCIDLA Board's Current Regulations * 6/18/2012 
6038 Land Surveyor/Land Surveyor B Scope of Practice * 9/24/2016 
6903 Property Lines along Public Roads without Recorded Fee Simple Right-of-Way 12/1/2020 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
7329 Frequency of Providing School Rosters * 3/16/2023 
5238 Assessment of a Student's Competence in Esthetics * 2/11/2013 
5503 Guidance Document - Substantial Equivalence 12/8/2022 
5593 Endorsement Candidate From State Offering Only One Licensing Exam * 11/17/2014 
5594 Cosmetology Examiners * 11/17/2014 
6057 School Locations * 11/14/2016 
6176 License Required for Certain Procedures * 5/7/2018 
6215 Esthetics - Cleaning Multi-use Items that Cannot Be Immersed * 5/8/2017 
6373 Barber/Cosmetology Application Review Matrix * 6/9/2022 
6638 Approved Health Education Certifying Agencies * 9/1/2022 
6639 Cosmetology Instructors May Teach Nail or Wax Instructor Programs * 4/15/2019 
6640 Master Barber Applicants who have Already Completed Training Equivalent to the Master Barber Curriculum * 4/15/2019 
6664 Board for Barbers and Cosmetology Guidance Regarding Interpretation of 18VAC41-20-30 - License by Endorsement 7/25/2019 
6880 Definition of Clock Hours * 9/17/2020 
7761 Implementation of 1,000-hour Cosmetology Curriculum * 9/1/2024 
5318 Non-Traditional Classroom Instruction * 9/1/2024 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
Policy #800-03 Random Inspections of Board for Barbers & Cosmetology Licensees 7/10/2009 
BOARD: Board for Branch Pilots
5008 Branch Pilot Renewal Requirements 8/1/2012 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Contractors
2959 Board for Contractors Policies & Interpretations 12/24/2020 
5271 Waiver Exemption of Entry Requirements for Residential Building Energy Analysts 6/24/2013 
5718 Contractors Criminal History Review Matrix 7/31/2015 
5719 Contractors Financial Review Matrix 10/1/2013 
5724 PSI Examination Equivalency 4/15/2015 
6241 Sewage Disposal System Qualified Individual Licensing Requirements 8/8/2017 
6790 Contractor License Requirement for Onsite Sewage System Maintenance * 12/26/2019 
7260 Contractor License Specialty Requirement for Well Abandonments 1/19/2023 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians
5727 Interpretation of Board Approved Opticianry Programs * 4/15/2015 
5728 Optician Test Date Requirements * 4/15/2015 
6652 Opticians Approved Related Technical Instruction * 9/13/2023 
7524 Application Review Matrix 3/16/2023 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Professional Soil Scientists, Wetland Professionals, and Geologists
6029 Wetland Professionals' Scope of Practice * 9/1/2016 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Waste Management Facility Operators
5721 Waste Management Facility Operators Criminal History Review Matrix 5/23/2013 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators and Onsite Sewage System Professionals
4919 Onsite Sewage Systems Designed by Professional Engineers & Onsite Soil Evaluators * 6/13/2016 
6171 Pumping of Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems * 4/20/2017 
6204 Effective Date of Utility Management CPE for Class 1 and 2 Waterworks & Wastewater Works Operators * 4/20/2017 
6205 Onsite Sewage System Installers Installation of Non-discharging Onsite Sewage Systems * 10/26/2017 
6206 Onsite Sewage System Inspections & Evaluations for Property Transfers * 4/12/2011 
6214 Onsite Sewage System Professionals Master and Journeyman License Requirements * 4/20/2017 
6241 Sewage Disposal System Qualified Individual Licensing Requirements 8/8/2017 
6258 Acceptable Utility Management CPE Topics * 10/26/2017 
6369 Qualifying for Operator and Installer Licensure Using Certain Degree Programs * 4/19/2018 
6790 Contractor License Requirement for Onsite Sewage System Maintenance * 12/26/2019 
7020 Guidance Regarding WWWOOSSP Licensees Earning CPE Credit for Attending WWWOOSSP Board Meetings * 6/24/2021 
7178 License Requirements for Operators of Alternative Systems Exceeding 10,000 Gallons per Day 12/23/2021 
7210 License Requirements for Operators of Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities * 7/7/2022 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Cemetery Board
3730 Sample General Price List 10/23/2008 
5752 Financial Report and Report Prepared by Independent Certified Public Accountant * 6/16/2015 
7116 Cemetery Board Criminal History Review Matrix 12/8/2021 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Common Interest Community Board
4190 Evidence of Proper Fidelity Bond or Dishonesty Insurance and Sufficient Coverage Obtained by CIC Manager Applicant 3/2/2010 
4382 Definition of Employee in Section 54.1-2347(A) 12/2/2010 
5048 Applicability of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman Regulations on Solely Commercial Condominiums * 12/10/2020 
5049 CIC Manager Requirement to Obtain and Maintain a Separate Fidelity Bond or Insurance Policy to Comply with Section 54.1-2346.D of the Code of Virginia and 18 VAC 48-50-30.E of the Board's Regulations 12/10/2020 
5308 Letters of Credit in Lieu of Bonds 12/10/2020 
5311 Maximum Fees for Disclosure Packets & Resale Certificates Preparation 3/10/2023 
5331 CIC Waiver of Filing Fee for Final Adverse Decision 12/10/2020 
5603 RequiredDocumentation to Accompany Disclosure of Personal Adverse Financial History 12/3/2014 
5897 Best Practices for POAA Declarations 12/10/2015 
6256 Summary of Board Interpretations, Policies and Guidance Documents 8/18/2022 
6390 Determining Value of Blanket Surety Bonds Filed by Developers in Lieu of Escrow Deposits * 12/10/2020 
6391 Distribution of Time-Share Public Offering Statements and Purchaser Opportunity to Review Public Offering Statement Prior to Execution of a Contract * 4/29/2021 
6885 Guidelines for the Development of Reserve Studies for Capital Components * 9/5/2019 
6891 Form: Disclosure Form for Special Meeting to Extend Declarant Control Period 10/1/2019 
6911 Guidance Document: Procedure for Determination of Compliance with § 55.1-2220 and § 55.1-2234 12/10/2020 
7092 Common Interest Community Association Registration – Interpretive Guidance for 18VAC48-60-60 * 11/25/2021 
7192 Procedure for Consideration of Claims for Recovery from the Common Interest Community Management Recovery Fund 4/28/2022 
7545 Bulletin: Maximum Allowable Preparation Fees - Condominium Unit Owners’, Property Owners’, and Cooperative Proprietary Lessees’ Associations * 7/1/2023 
7546 Form: Common Interest Community Association Resale Certificate * 7/1/2023 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
5720 Polygraph Examiner Criminal History Review Matrix * 1/1/2015 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Fair Housing Board
6045 Reasonable Accommodation Requests for Assistance Animals * 3/1/2017 
6978 Housing Discrimination on the Basis of Source of Funds 4/16/2021 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Real Estate Appraiser Board
2022 Real Estate Appraisers Experience Hours 11/18/2003 
2920 Signing Any Appraisal Report 2/21/2006 
3931 Real Estate Appraiser - Submitting Assignments Electronically 3/5/2009 
5968 Customary & Reasonable Compensation for Fee Appraisers 2/23/2016 
6670 Real Estate Appraiser Board Proposed Guidance Document regarding Hybrid Appraisals 6/27/2019 
7122 Real Estate Appraiser Board Application Review Matrix * 6/4/2021 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Real Estate Board
2021 Real Estate Advisory Council's Report Regarding Post-Licensure Education 7/12/2012 
3178 Proof of Financial Responsibility for Board-Approved Education Providers 7/19/2007 
3648 Real Estate Pre-License Instructor Guidance Document 3/24/2008 
3665 Continuing & Post License Education Course Reporting Requirements 5/19/2008 
3666 Instructor Qualifications 5/19/2008 
3964 Real Estate Distance Education Notarized Affidavit Requirement 5/19/2009 
4058 Broker Price Opinion Guidance Document 12/4/2009 
4160 On-line Course Time Requirement 12/17/2009 
5039 Necessity for Brokerage Agreements 9/6/2012 
5529 Real Estate Continuing Education Elective Courses 5/22/2014 
6045 Reasonable Accommodation Requests for Assistance Animals * 3/1/2017 
6978 Housing Discrimination on the Basis of Source of Funds 4/16/2021 
7123 Real Estate Board Application Review Matrix * 2/8/2021 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 
BOARD: Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors
4498 Asbestos Regulation Interpretation - Aug 23, 2011 * 8/23/2011 
4499 Lead Regulation Interpretation - Aug 23, 2011 * 8/23/2011 
5499 Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations Interpretations and Policies * 2/6/2014 
5584 Review of ALHI Applications with Criminal Convictions 8/16/2018 
5707 Identity Requirements for Asbestos and Lead Licensing and Home Inspector Certification * 2/5/2015 
5747 Requirements for Individuals who Analyze PCM Air Samples Onsite 5/14/2015 
5834 Lead Inspector Training Variance * 2/6/2014 
5969 Employee Definition Clarification * 2/11/2016 
6018 Clarification of Acceptable Degree Programs for Asbestos & Lead Licensing * 5/17/2016 
6247 Home Inspector Applicant's Experience Verification of Inspections Completed * 8/17/2017 
6248 NRS Specialty for Inspections Conducted by a Home Inspector on Homes Under Construction * 8/17/2017 
6266 Home Inspector Regulations; Meaning of Describe * 11/9/2017 
6374 Renewing Asbestos Workers License with Asbestos Supervisor Refresher Training * 5/17/2018 
6630 Requirement to Take the Virginia Lead Law Examination * 4/4/2019 
6663 Guidance Document regarding Inspections of Specific Components of a Residential Building * 7/11/2019 
6709 Guidance Document Regarding CPE for Home Inspectors with the NRS Specialty 10/17/2019 
6833 Meaning of "Direct Supervision" in 18VAC15-40-32 of the Home Inspector Licensing Regulations 4/16/2020 
6834 Clarification Regarding Asbestos Abatement Projects that Require a Project Monitor * 4/16/2020 
7090 Inspections without a Written Evaluation (Report) Conducted by a Home Inspector * 10/28/2021 
7208 Verification of Course Completion Certificates Awarded to Training Program Managers and Principal Instructors * 7/7/2022 
7209 Electronic Delivery of Asbestos and Lead Refresher Courses * 7/7/2022 
Policy #100-01 Establishing, Revising and Repealing Department Policy 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-03 Employee Use of Social Media 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-04 Release of Information 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-05 License Suspensions 5/22/2017 
Policy #100-06 Subpoenas/Service of Process/Notices 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-09 Gifts and Honoraria 6/5/2017 
Policy #100-11 Internet Website 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-14 Public Service Hours 9/24/2009 
Policy #100-17 Posting Information in Public Access Areas 6/8/2017 
Policy #100-18 Alternative Dispute Resolution 9/25/2009 
Policy #100-19 Ethics 11/1/2012 
Policy #200-18 Equal Employment Opportunity 3/17/2010 
Policy #300-01 Regulant Name & Address Change 6/13/2017 
Policy #300-02 Application & Application Fee Expiration 7/1/2018 
Policy #300-03 Expedited Licensing of Military Spouses 10/7/2016 
Policy #500-01 Purchasing 7/1/2018 
Policy #500-02 Contract and Purchase Order Modifications 7/1/2018 
Policy #600-01 Examination Fees 10/17/2018 
Policy #600-02 Examination Site Conduct * 12/1/2019 
Policy #600-03 Restricted Participation in Examination Development & Review 6/3/2014 
Policy #700-03 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection 7/1/2018 
Policy #700-04 Revenue Refunds 7/1/2018 
Policy #800-01 Criminal History Information & Online Public Records Information 6/13/2011 
Policy #800-02 Complaints Against Regulants 3/5/2010 

* Document applies to one or more specific chapters and not to the board as a whole