Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Health and Human Resources
Department of Health Professions
Board of Nursing
Mandate 1407

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Directive regarding nursing education requirements
Purpose of legislation
Legislation was an omnibus bill. Enactment clauses 3 and 4 directed the Board of Nursing to make regulatory changes regarding faculty requirements by exempt action by January 1, 2025.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 0754 (2024)
Chap 0761 (2024)
VAC chapters to be amended
18 vac 90 - 27 : Regulations Governing Nursing Education Programs
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 6485: Changes to nursing education faculty requirements pursuant to 2024 legislation
Latest Stage: no stages yet
Deadline for the regulation to become effective 1/1/2025
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