Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/4/24  9:17 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


While I support many aspects of the proposal, I must strongly oppose the continuation of Objective Written Documentation (OWD). This requirement imposes an undue burden on families and Employers of Record (EORs), forcing them to navigate a convoluted process that adds unnecessary strain. The role of an attendant is already difficult and underpaid, and it’s no wonder that potential workers are opting for higher-paying jobs with benefits at places like Target. DMAS must recognize the growing provider shortage and address it directly instead of maintaining a system that fails to attract or retain workers. By ignoring this issue, DMAS and DBHDS are implying that families are being deceptive when, in reality, most of us are merely trying to survive. Without adequate providers, these waivers hold no real value; they are little more than a façade masking a failing system. 

CommentID: 227632