Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/4/24  12:00 pm
Commenter: JS

Remove Ojective Written Documentation

I am highly in favor of removing objective written documentation. As a live in caregiver, most often we are the last resort. We have already tried and tried to hire outside the household for the care of our family members. We have experienced the no show attendants, the attendants that leave early, the attendants that would rather spend their time on their phones than being engaged with their clients; all of which leave our family members short of the full care they deserve. It is a never-ending struggle to obtain the good, reliable, faithful care for our family members outside of the home. It's this constant struggle that prompts us, the live in caregiver, to step forward and assume the position of personal care aide.

We want what every loving family member wants for their special needs loved one; solid, dependable, safe, and thorough care. When this cannot be obtained outside of the home then we have to look inside the home for it.

Objective written documentation is just another hurdle we have to leap over.  Another red tape that we have to cut through just to secure the help our loved one needs. Live in caregivers should not be punished for stepping up to help a family member. We step up when others step down.

CommentID: 227609