Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/31/24  9:46 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

HB909/SB488 (2024)

When I think about the documentation process, I remember the sleepless nights and the constant worry that I wasn’t doing enough to satisfy the requirements. It was a painful experience that took a toll on my entire family. The thought of going back to this system is devastating. These changes would only add to the burden we already face.

Submitting the necessary documentation was a time-consuming and stressful process that drained me both physically and emotionally. It was a constant juggle to meet the requirements while providing the best care for my child. Reverting to this system would be a significant disservice to families who need support, not more barriers. I  strongly oppose the Application for 1915(c) HCBS Waiver: Draft VA.004.05.03 section that focuses on amending rules set by HB909/SB488 when an (LRI) is the paid aide/attendant for the personal care service.

The current regulations under HB909/SB488 have wisely acknowledged the critical importance of my role as an LRI, ensuring that my expertise is prioritized in my child’s care.


CommentID: 227560