Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/6/24  9:25 pm
Commenter: SEIU Va 512 Homecare provider

LRI's deserve better

The work of a homecare provider is not easy. Whether you are taking care of a minor, partner, family member or client, this work can be thankless. The CDC program is needed and continues to allow families and partners the ability to take care of people they love. When parents and partners became eligible, it allowed families to no longer be concerned who would take care of their loved on. The need was filled by individuals who knew them best. We are currently in a care crisis and being able to find people to care for complex medical needs, is nearly impossible because the wages are low and there are no true benefits for this job. For those reasons LRI's become vital in supporting the needs of our most vulnerable. However, when constant documentation is part of the process, this puts an undue level of stress and additional imposed responsibilities on the family. It is odd, that LRI's would have to write down the services that are given to a child or spouse on a daily basis. It seems unfair. Considering the limited number of available caregivers, including additional levels of responsibilities which does not include care of service, seems unreasonable. Families are struggling because there is a limited number of people who are interested in working for low wages and no benefits. However, when a LRI steps in, though the wages are low, working from home and caring for their loved one is better than not working and requiring additional state or federally funded services to compensate. When they fill in the gap, it does not increase the amount of extended funds. Their waivers approve access to home care provider services.  This program must be reinstated and made permanent. Please take into consideration and reinstate the March 1st, start date. That was when the Appendix K waiver expired, and new regulations were put into effect. Also, LRI's, under the CDC program should have access to respite care hours and services. They should also be allowed to work more than 40hrs per week, based on their waiver. They should receive the full reimbursement of approved hours under CDC. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


CommentID: 227723