Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/3/24  2:51 pm
Commenter: Kelli Coffin

LRI guardrails, Attendant pay rate

I am advocating for increased pay rate and for LRI to be a paid attendants without removal of respite care.  

#1). It is difficult/nearly impossible to find an adult willing to work for $13.34 an hour with a child with special needs. Teenage lifeguards in Charlottesville are paid $15/hour+.  Teenage babysitters are paid $15-20/ hour, adult nannies $25+/hour. Aldi’s and Bodos Bagel shop in our area pay $16.85-$18.50/hour. All of these  jobs are considerably less demanding than  working with a special needs individual with high medical, behavioral and mental health needs. I believe that majority of non-LRI attendants who are willing to work for $13.34/hour are family members or are paid (illegally) under the table to increase hourly wage.  

2) Families are more likely to find someone to do respite/intermittent care than full-time care due to difficult nature of the job and low pay rate.  I propose that respite hours be maintained BUT be reserved for use by non-LRI paid caregivers.  This would still allow respite for LRI who NEEDS it due to high demands/stress of caring for family member with special needs but can-not find full-time non-LRI-caregiver.  

3) I propose requirements for college degree for service facilitators need to be removed or pay-rate increased.  I have not had monthly visit from service facilitator in nearly a year!! year due to low staffing. 

CommentID: 227588