Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Periodic Reviews
Actions Underway Petitions for Rulemaking Legislative Mandates Periodic Reviews General Notices
Periodic Review status of 10 chapters for the Department of Environmental Quality.
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< 4 Chapter less then 4 years old, no review required. 
secretariat Natural and Historic Resources
board Air Pollution Control Board

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
9 VAC 5-10 General Definitions 9/6/2023 9/3/2027
board Department of Environmental Quality

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
9 VAC 15-60 Small Solar Renewable Energy Projects Permit Regulation 10/7/2024 9/15/2023
board Virginia Waste Management Board

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
9 VAC 20-160 Voluntary Remediation Regulations 1/31/2022 6/11/2018 3/12/2022
board State Water Control Board

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
9 VAC 25-110 Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Sewage Discharges Less Than or Equal to 1,000 Gallons Per Day 8/2/2021
9 VAC 25-115 Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Seafood Processing Facilities 7/24/2021
9 VAC 25-660 Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half Acre 10/21/2024 12/18/2020 12/18/2024
9 VAC 25-670 Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities 10/21/2024 12/18/2020 12/18/2024
9 VAC 25-680 Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects 10/21/2024 12/18/2020 12/18/2024
9 VAC 25-690 Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities 10/21/2024 12/18/2020 12/18/2024
9 VAC 25-900 Certification of Nonpoint Source Nutrient Credits (formerly 4VAC50-80) 9/23/2024 9/1/2024