Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Mandate 94

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
FAMIS -- Prior Auth. for Psych, Rehab and Home Hea
Purpose of legislation
Items 324 I (1 & 2) and 325 DDD.1 require DMAS to implement, as part of the FAMIS program, prior authorization for outpatient psychiatric and rehab, and home health after an initial five sessions or nursing visits.
Legislation mandating a change
Budget item mandating a change Item 324 (2003)
Item 325 (2003)
VAC chapters to be amended
12 vac 30 - 50 : Amount, Duration, and Scope of Medical and Remedial Care and Services
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 1932: Medicaid and FAMIS Prior Authorization
Latest Stage: Fast-Track
Deadline for the regulation to become effective 1/8/2003
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