Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
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9/5/18  9:05 am
Commenter: Paula Eubank / Arlington County Virginia

Support the VIrginia BHCD for SFPC Adoption

Dear Mr. Carr and Board Members,

I am writing in support of the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development decision to adopt the 2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as initially approved. I recognize and commend the incredible amount of dedicated effort and time of the many stakeholders who invested their subject matter expertise and technical and administrative knowledge. The regulatory development process and its related code meetings were publically open to and attended by Building Officials, Fire Officials and affected stakeholders to develop, review, and comment on the proposed codes and any related changes. During the transparent process, numerous opportunities were equally provided to all stakeholders to address any concerns, including time extensions and additional meetings. The VSFPC has for many, many years warranted a throrough and detailed review and edit to identify and clarify the maintenance and operational code provisions that are enforceable throughout Virginia by the local Fire Officials, and to differentiate them from the VUSBC code provisions affecting new construction and alteration under the purview and authority of the local Building Officials. I respectfully request and urge the Board to adopt the 2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as initially approved.


Paula Eubank

Arlington County, Department of Community Planning, Housing, & Development,  Inspection Services Division

CommentID: 67010